Jun 29, 2020
Bellaire Campus Pastor Chris DeArman continues our series in Psalm 103. Scripture focus is Psalm 103:14-18.
Jun 22, 2020
Pastor Mark Edworthy, director of the CityRise Network, continues our series in Psalm 103. Sometimes in order to look up, we must be reminded that we shouldn't look down. The Scripture focus is Psalm 103:7-13.
Jun 15, 2020
Pastor Roger Patterson kicks off our study of Psalm 103, about how when things seem out of control, we must first look up to God before we can handle anything going on around us. The Scripture focus is Psalm 103:1-6.
Jun 8, 2020
Pastor Roger Patterson takes a look at Job's friends in Job chapter 2 to learn about the Christian response to racial injustice.
Jun 1, 2020
Pastor Roger Patterson continues our series about relationships, talking about the humility it takes to seek restoration. The scripture focus is the book of Philemon.